LA CROCIATA CONTRO I CATARI 1209-1229: The Crusade Against the Cathars
The Albigensian Crusade took place between 1209 and 1229 against the Cathars after Pope Innocent III banned the sect in 1208.
Catharism was a Christian movement that spread shortly after the year 1000 and especially between 1100 and 1200, in southern Europe, the Balkans, Italy and France. It was especially strong in the Languedoc, mainly in the region of Albi (which originated from the name Albigensian), where the lords of Provence and the Count of Toulouse (and also some clergymen as bishops of Toulouse and Carcassonne and the archbishop of Narbonne) allowed the Cathars to preach towards the end of the 12th century.
ULtimately, the crusade prevailed and began the long decline of the culture and Occitan language all over the south of France.
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