Crimean War |
Bancroft, James THE GREAT REDAN AT SEBASTOPOL: The Most Victoria Crosses Awarded for a Single Action
On 18 June 1855, British assault troops moved out of their trenches and attacked Sevastopol's formidable Russian bastion known as the Great Redan. They came under such a murderous fire from the Russian defenders that the attack faltered, and the British were eventually forced to fall back, leaving over 1,000 comrades dead and dying. The British awarded 20 Victoria Crosses during this engagement during the Crimean War.
Includes biographical tributes to many of the men who were killed in action, gives details of the places where they are commemorated, and provides biographies with all the up-to-date information concerning the VC recipients. 1 vol, 224 pgs
NEW-dj, available late April 2023 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Cox, Michael & Lenton, John CRIMEAN WAR BASICS:Britain, France & Sardinia
Organization and uniform details. The aim of this book is to cover the organisations and orders of battle of the armies concerned. The uniform section is confined to a concise summary of known material. This will be of interest and use to both the military historian and the wargamer. Although general references are made to the armies as a whole, the authors have concentrated on those units serving in the Crimean theatre itself. 1 vol, 44 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$10.00
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Cox, Michael & Lenton, John CRIMEAN WAR BASICS:Russia & Turkey
Organization and uniform details. The aim of this book is to cover the organisations and orders of battle of the armies concerned. The uniform section is confined to a concise summary of known material. This will be of interest and use to both the military historian and the wargamer. Although general references are made to the armies as a whole, the authors have concentrated on those units serving in the Crimean theatre itself. 1 vol, 38 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$10.00
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Dawson, Anthony Leslie French Infantry of the Crimean War
Largest Partizan uniform book to date, packed full of color plates and period photographs.
The Crimean War is perhaps best known for two things: the Charge of the Light Brigade and the work of Florence Nightingale. Considerable ink has been spent discussing them, though little attention has been paid to Britain's Allies in that conflict, notably France, Turkey, and Piedmont. It was the French Army that bore the brunt of the fighting at the Battle of Inkerman, having to fight on two fronts against Russians attacking their siege works and also assisting the British Army. The French also fought in the two assaults on Sevastopol in June and September 1855. The French and Piedmontese won a decisive victory at Traktir Bridge against superior Russian forces in August 1855 and the French cavalry (Dragoons, Hussars and Chasseurs d'Afrique) routed a much stronger Russian cavalry force in late September 1855, after the fall of Sevastopol. The French army also sent a Division to fight the Russians in the Baltic.
This book charts the history and development of French Infantry from 1815 to 1855, how it was organized, how it fought, and how it was trained. 1 vol, 328 pgs
NEW-dj ......$80.00
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Duckers, Peter CRIMEAN WAR AT SEA, THE: The Naval Campaigns Against Russia 1854-56
Too often, histories of the Crimean War in Russia 1854-56 focus narrowly on the land campaign, ignoring the wider war waged at sea by the British and French against the Russians. The Allied navies struck at Russian interests anywhere in the world where naval force could be brought to bear, and as a result waged campaigns in the Baltic, the Black Sea, the White Sea, on the Russian Pacific coast, and in the Sea of Azoff.
In this graphic and original study, Peter Duckers offers the first overall survey of these neglected, yet remarkably successful, naval campaigns. Allied warships ranged across Russian waters sinking shipping, disrupting trade, raiding ports, bombarding fortresses, destroying vast quantities of stores, and shelling coastal towns. The scale and intensity of the naval operations will astonish you. 1 vol, 256 pgs
2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Esposito, Gabriele ARMIES OF THE CRIMEAN WAR 1853-1856: History, Organization and Equipment of the British, French, Turkish, Piedmontese and Russian Forces
Details the composition, organization, uniforms, and weaponry of each force (including British, French, Russian, Ottomans, Egyptians, and the little-known German, Swiss and Italian mercenaries) and illustrates many of them with early black and white photos (this being the first major war for which photography was available), as well as numerous color artworks.
The Crimean War was the first major European war since the end of the Napoleonic Wars and Britain's only war on that continent in the century between Waterloo and WWI. When Russia invaded provinces of the Ottoman Empire, the British and French, later joined by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, intervened to limit Russian expansion towards the Black Sea. 1 vol, 208 pgs
2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Flaherty, Chris TURKISH ARMY & NAVY: 1861-1876
This book looks at the Turkish Army and Navy during the Era of Sultan Abdulaziz, the 32nd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who reigned between 25 June 1861 and 30 May 1876. The Army and Navy changed its appearance substantially, from the Crimean War Period. The most notable of the 1861 Era changes was the adoption of a standardized system for rank identification than had existed previously. Based on using an arrangement of gold or silver chevrons placed above the tunic cuff.
Other major changes included introduction of a Zouave uniform based on French Army versions used by the bulk of the Turkish Army. Another major change to occur under Sultan Abdulaziz was a massive purchase campaign for new Infantry small arms, Artillery and ironclad warships modernization. 1 vol, 100 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2023 ......$38.00
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Another volume in the excellent Partizan Press line provides a color guide for the uniforms and insignia of the principle frontline troops of the Ottoman Imperial Army, and Navy, as well as it allies or contingents during the Crimean War. Included in this book, are the Egyptian and Tunisian Auxiliary Contingents, the Anglo-Turkish Contingent, or 'Turkish Contingent', the Ottoman Cossack Regiments, and the Ottoman Police Regiments. Only a few examples of uniforms or insignia are known to date from the Crimean War period.
A major source of information is the 1985 C.A. Norman study based on General Vanson notes and illustrations. There is also the Szathmari (1854), and Roger Fenton's Crimean War photographs (1855). The New York Public Library's Vinkhuijzen collection; and the Anne S. K. Brown Military collection also provide a significant amount of information on the appearance of Ottoman Crimean War uniforms. The study of Crimean War uniforms and insignia of the Ottomans is an ongoing task, and any study is faced with the problem that many uniform images were frequently recopied and altered over the decades. This small volume attempts to put these varied sources into their correct contextual order, based on current understandings of this history. 1 vol, 88 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$34.00
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Fletcher, Ian and Ishchenko , Natalia BATTLE OF THE ALMA 1854
On 20 September 1854 the combined British and French armies confronted the Russians at the river Alma in the critical opening encounter of the Crimean War. This was the first major battle the British had fought on European soil since Waterloo almost 40 years before.
In this compelling and meticulously researched study, Ian Fletcher and Natalia Ishchenko reconstruct the battle in vivid detail, using many rare and unpublished eyewitness accounts from all sides - English, French and Russian. Their groundbreaking work promises to be the definitive history of this extraordinary clash of arms for many years to come. It also gives a fascinating insight into military thinking and organization in the 1850s, midway between the end of the Napoleonic era and the outbreak of the Great War. 1 vol, 256 pgs
2009 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Gernsheim, Helmut and Alsion Roger Fenton, Photographer of the Crimean War
Roger Fenton's Crimean War photographs represent one of the earliest systematic attempts to document a war through the medium of photography. Fenton, who spent fewer than four months in the Crimea (March 8 to June 26, 1855), produced 360 photographs under extremely trying conditions. While these photographs present a substantial documentary record of the participants and the landscape of the war . 1 vol, 172 pgs
V.GOOD-dj is worn, one copy only - first come, first served ......$30.00
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Hargreave Mawson, Michael editor EYEWITNESS IN THE CRIMEA
Crimean War Letters of Lt. Col George Frederick Dallas, 130+ letters of a then company commander in the 46th Regiment of Foot, b/w photos, 20+ b/w line drawings/vignettes, index. 1 vol, 304 pgs
NEW-dj ......$40.00
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(55) Color pages of uniform plates. Covers the Crimean war and Franco Prussian War(s). 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-softcover, French & English ......$35.00
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Loy Smith, George A VICTORIAN RSM: From India to the Crimea
First-hand account by Regimental Sergeant Major of the 11th Hussars, covers Ireland, India, and the Crimea. Author interviewed many of the survivors of the Light Brigade charge. Includes black and white illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 245 pgs
NEW-dj, inventory reduction SPECIAL OFFER -- Limited quantity available ......$20.00
with a discount of 25%
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Mace, Martin CRIMEAN WAR, THE: Images Of War
The Crimean War was a conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Empire, British Empire, Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia. The war was part of a long-running contest between the major European powers for influence over territories of the declining Ottoman Empire. Most of the conflict took place on the Crimean Peninsula, but there were smaller campaigns in western Anatolia, the Caucasus, the Baltic Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea.
The Crimean War is known for the logistical and tactical errors during the land campaign on both sides (the naval side saw a successful Allied campaign which eliminated most of the ships of the Russian Navy in the Black Sea). Nonetheless, it is sometimes considered to be one of the first 'modern' wars as it introduced technical changes which affected the future course of warfare, including the first tactical use of railways and the electric telegraph.
It is also famous for the work of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, who pioneered modern nursing practices while caring for wounded British soldiers. The war also led to the establishment of the Victoria Cross in 1856 (backdated to 1854), the British Army's first universal award for valor.
The Crimean War was one of the first wars to be documented extensively in photographs. News correspondence reaching Britain from the Crimea was the first time the public were kept informed of the day-to-day realities of war.
This unique collection of 150-160 images will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history. Each picture will tell its own story, and will be fully captioned with historical detail. 1 vol, 192 pgs
2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late May 2014 ......$25.00
with a discount of 15%
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Mace, Martin and John Grehan BRITISH BATTLES OF THE CRIMEAN WARS 1854-1856
This unique collection of original accounts will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in the Crimean War.
This conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Empire, British Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Kingdom of Sardinia was part of a long-running contest between the major European powers for influence over territories of the declining Ottoman Empire. Most of the conflict took place on the Crimean Peninsula, but there were smaller campaigns in western Anatolia, the Caucasus, the Baltic Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea.
The Crimean War is known for the logistical and tactical errors during the land campaign on both sides (the naval side saw a successful Allied campaign which eliminated most of the ships of the Russian Navy in the Black Sea). Nonetheless, it is sometimes considered to be one of the first modern wars as it introduced technical changes which affected the future course of warfare, including the first tactical use of railways and the electric telegraph.
It is also famous for the work of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, who pioneered modern nursing practices while caring for wounded British soldiers. The war also led to the establishment of the Victoria Cross in 1856 (backdated to 1854), the British Army's first universal award for valor.
The Crimean War was one of the first wars to be documented extensively in written reports and photographs. News correspondence reaching Britain from the Crimea was the first time the public were kept informed of the day-to-day realities of war. 1 vol, 208 pgs
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2014 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Martin, Lawrence VAE VICTUS Board Game #9: Inkermann 1854
Inkermann 1854 - The End of Russian Hopes in the Crimea
On November 5, 1854, the Russians launched a heavy attack on the allied right flank east of the city. The assault was made by two columns, which when combined would form a formidable army of some 42,000 men. The initial Russian assault was to be received by the British Second Division, 2,700 men and 12 guns. With both Russian columns moving in a flanking fashion, they hoped to overwhelm this portion of the Allied army before reinforcements could arrive. The Russian general, Soymonov followed Menshikov's directive and deployed his force around the Careenage Ravine, where he could not effectively employ all of his troops in combat.
When dawn broke, Soymonov attacked the British positions on Home Hill with 6,300 men and a further 9,000 in reserve. The British had strong pickets and had ample warning of the Russian attack. The British pickets, some of them at company strength, engaged the Russians as they moved to attack Home Hill. The firing in the valley also gave warning to the rest of the Second Division, who rushed to their defensive positions. The Second Division's commander, Pennefather, a highly aggressive officer, ordered his 2,700 strong division to attack some 15,300 Russian soldiers. Russian guns bombarded Home Hill, but there were no troops on the crest at this point
When the British Fourth Division arrived under General George Cathcart, they were finally able to go on the offensive. They launched a renewed attack against the Russians and on their flanks. However, the flanking troops were caught in the rear by an unexpected Russian counter-attack and Cathcart was shot from his horse and killed, leaving his troops disorganized and the attack broken up. The courage of Cathcart and his men had the unexpected effect of encouraging other British units to charge the Russians. This gave the Russian army an opportunity to gain a crest on the ridge. However, as the Russian troops were coming up, they were attacked and driven off by newly arrived soldiers from the French camps. The French poured reinforcements into the entire line, reducing the Russians' advantage in numbers. 1 vol, 24 pgs
NEW-softcover with English Rules ......$38.00
with a discount of 24%
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The British Light and Heavy Cavalry Brigades atBalaclava, 25 October 1854. Eight full color plate100 b/w photos, maps, diagrams, index, biblio. 1 vol, 128 pgs
V.GOOD-dj ......$60.00
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Oliphant, Laurence TRANS-CAUCASIAN CAMPAIGN OF THE TURKISH ARMY: During the Crimean War
8.5x11 inches. Covers an obscure campaign at the end of the Crimean War to relieve the Fortress of Kars. 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-softcover, close out sale, limited qty ......$20.00
with a discount of 20%
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Percy, Algemon BEARSKIN'S CRIMEA, A:Lt. Col Percy & the V.Cross
Using much previously unpublished sources, this is the blow-by-blow account of the Grenadier Guards experience; Percy was present at all the major battles and was a skilled observer, biblio, index. 1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$25.00
with a discount of 15%
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Sheppard, Martin A GUARDSMAN IN THE CRIMEA: The Life and Letters of William Scarlett
Details the military career of William Scarlett, a captain in the Scots Fusilier Guard of the British Army in the Crimea, who fought throughout the entire campaign. Discusses the survival of 139 previously unpublished letters that recorded Scarlett's deeds and thoughts. Written to 19 different correspondents, and deliberately intended by him to form a personal account of his role in the war, his letters provide a forceful commentary on the successes and failures of the British army in the East. Contains 20 color illustrations and 20 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 320 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid March 2024 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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This book looks at the organization, uniforms and the regiments which made up the army of Tsar Nicholas I during the Crimean War. Not only does it cover the regiments which served in the war, but also other units such as the Russian Imperial Guard and the Separate Caucasus Corps, which have not been covered by others books relating to the Crimean War.
The Army itself has got a bad reputation from historians because it was outfought by the Anglo-French Army during the war. However this was because the army had been let down by government officials in not re-equipping the army with modern weapons rather than any cowardice on the part of the Russian soldier. Of course in a book of its size it is not possible to cover all the auxiliary units that also made up the Russian Army at this time, such as the interior regiments.
With 24 color plates including artwork by Bob Marrion and flags by Lesley Prince. Usual Partizan Press excellence. 1 vol, 176 pgs
NEW-hardcover ......$55.00
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Springman, Michael SHARPSHOOTER IN THE CRIMEA: The Letters of the Captain Gerald Goodlake VC 1854-56
The letters home to his family by Gerald Goodlake, a young officer in the Coldstream Guards, make remarkable reading. They vividly describe the ill-preparedness of the British Army and the dire conditions experienced by all ranks in the Crimea. Goodlake's views on senior officers were frank to say the least! Most important, Goodlake's initiative and courage in organizing and leading what were Special Forces were rewarded by the award of one of the first Victoria Crosses. Goodlake served in the Crimea from early 1854 to the end two years later. 1 vol, 240 pgs
2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$30.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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First-hand account using over 100 of Sterling's letters home, much quoted in period bibliographies, and includes 18 b/w maps. Originally printed in 1895. An interesting look at a brigade off the beaten path. 1 vol, 256 pgs
NEW-pb, INVENTORY REDUCTION 50% OFF ......$10.00
with a discount of 50% spc
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Covers the significance of the Crimean War for the British Army. B/w illust, notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 174 pgs
NEW-dj ......$8.00
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Trow, M J THE CHARGE OF THE HEAVY BRIGADE: Scarlett's 300 in the Crimea
Everyone has heard of the charge of the Light Brigade, a suicidal cavalry attack caused by confused orders which somehow sums up the Crimean War (1854-6). Far less well known is what happened an hour earlier, when General Scarlett's Heavy Brigade charged a Russian army at least three times its size. That proved a brilliant success, whereas the Light Brigade's action resulted in huge casualties and achieved nothing.
Covers the men of the Heavy Brigade, from James Scarlett, who led it, to the enlisted men who had joined for the 'queen's shilling' and a new life away from the hard grind of Victorian poverty. It charts the perils of traveling by sea, in cramped conditions with horses panicking in rough seas. It tells the story, through the men who were there, of the charge itself, where it was every man for himself and survival was down to the random luck of shot and shell.
It looks, too, at the women of the Crimea, the wives who accompanied their menfolk. Best known were Florence Nightingale, the 'lady with the lamp' and Mary Seacole, the Creole woman who was 'doctress and mother' to the men. But there were others, like Fanny Duberly who wrote a graphic journal and Mrs Rogers, who dutifully cooked and cleaned for the men of her husband's regiment, the 4th Dragoon Guards. 1 vol, 256 pgs
2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2021 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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various VAE VICTIS #130 Alma 1854
Reviews of OP Dauntless (GMT), Avec infini regret 2 (Conseils Tactiques), Arcole serie jours de gloire, Singidunum (FORSAZ), Golan 73 (GMT + ATO), Philip Sabin et Connections UK, World War 1 (S&T 294), MBT (GMT), Yanks (MMP), Les Marechaux 4 (Ludifolie), OUT : Airsoft the Game (BattlesProject).
Figurines: Congo - Studio Tomahawk + CR Congo, Dead Man's Hand, Indochine Avec Bolt Action, Regles Navales Renaissance, Peinture des Blindes 28 mm.
Articles historiques: La bataille de l'Alma, Liberation de la Crimee 1944 + Jeux sur la Crimee (hexagones), Scenarios ASL, M44 et BlitzKrieg 3 (figurines). 1 vol, 60 pgs
NEW-pb [French text] english rules for included game ......$26.00
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7.5x9, letters written by Captain Hawley of the 89th from December 1854 to August 1856, seven halftones, fold out map. 1 vol, 114 pgs
V.GOOD-hardcover ......$15.00
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